Why are Veneers so Popular?

Petersen Family Dentistry • Nov 15, 2022

Have you ever met someone whose radiant smile made you take pause? Perhaps you envied their genetics or wondered how they maintained such great oral health. Surprisingly, there is a chance neither factor was at play, and they simply had veneers!

Veneers are paper-thin shells made of porcelain that are affixed to visible teeth, and they can be customized to create your ideal smile. They have become extremely common, and their popularity is no mystery. There are many reasons why someone might choose veneers, and many factors that make them preferable to other cosmetic dental treatments.

Here are just a few…


Part of the reason that veneers are so popular is the wide range of dental issues they can address. These include discoloration, minor chips, misshapen or crooked teeth, receding gumlines, excessive gingival display (a gummy smile) and more.

If you are affected by issues like these, you may feel self-conscious about showing off your smile. You may have felt unsure of where to start with addressing them, or been overwhelmed by the thought of seeking multiple treatments for different issues. Veneers solve both problems by providing a simple, straightforward and versatile option.



People often wish to change certain things about the way they look.

However, this is often easier said than done.

For example, someone with slightly crooked teeth might want them straighter. The most obvious solution would be to get braces, but this can be an unappealing option. Braces are noticeable, painful and time-consuming – and such a minor adjustment might not justify their high cost. Veneers, on the other hand, can provide a straight, picture-perfect smile the moment their application is complete.



Veneers are not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. When getting a consultation, your general or cosmetic dentist should ask you how you would like them to look, what your dental goals are and what you wish to change about your current smile. They will also help you select things like size, shape and color.

Not only do veneers help address a wide range of cosmetic issues, but they also provide quite a number of options for your new look.


Potential Savings

In the past, veneers have had an unfair reputation of being expensive, but the less common this misconception becomes, the more they grow in popularity. If you were to look at the numbers, veneers can often be a more affordable option. This is because they can treat multiple issues.

For instance, someone with teeth that are misaligned, discolored and malformed might need braces, professional teeth whitening and dental crowns. Why pay for three treatments when you can simply pay for one? Veneers can also protect sensitive teeth, preventing potential cosmetic treatments if they were to chip or break.

Would you like to learn more about veneers or schedule a consultation with a Broomfield dentist? Call Petersen Family Dentistry at (720) 308–9798 today. We are a family, implant, and restorative dentistry practice providing compassionate, custom care.

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