How to Revitalize Your Smile Without Braces

PetersenFamilyDentistry • Mar 17, 2022

In a perfect world, everyone’s adult teeth would come in perfectly straight, and their jaws would be neatly aligned. Unfortunately, this is just not the case for most people. This is why so many people get braces during their adolescent years. Not only do straightening teeth and correcting mild jaw misalignment (such as underbites and overbites) create a more attractive smile, but they have health benefits as well. Failing to correct these issues can lead to damaging pressure on the teeth, painful head and jaw aches, TMJ disorder and more. However, braces are not the right choice for everyone. Some wish to avoid the pain and discomfort associated with them. Others feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially adults.

Fortunately, there is a solution for those whose teeth need correction but can’t get braces or wish to avoid them. The answer is a clear aligner system like ClearCorrect . Outside of more extreme cases, these systems can solve the same issues as traditional metal braces.

How Do Clear Aligner Systems Work?

If you opt for this option over traditional metal braces, your dentist will support you through the process. They will take impressions of your teeth and determine what issues are affecting your teeth. Next, they will develop a treatment plan to solve these issues. Then, you will receive a set of clear aligner trays customized for you. Every tray has a slightly different shape, each one moving you closer to your goal. Your dentist will instruct you on how long to wear each tray. When your treatment plan is complete, you will have achieved the smile you’ve always wanted!  

What Are the Benefits?

Relative to traditional metal braces, clear aligner systems are much newer. However, in the last few decades, they have become the preferred alignment solution for millions of people. This is because they have many advantages over braces.

  • They are discreet. By their nature, clear aligner trays are almost impossible for others to see. This stands in contrast to metal braces, the brackets and wires of which are plainly visible to all. This makes them a preferable option for those self-conscious about their appearance.
  • They are comfortable. The gradual shifts between aligner trays are usually less painful than the periodic tightening of the metal wires that connect the brackets of braces. What’s more, these brackets usually have sharp metal edges that can poke and prod your inner mouth. Clear aligner trays fit smoothly over your teeth.
  • They are removable. The permanence of braces can be stressful and frustrating. They create dietary restrictions for the wearer and food particles can easily get stuck between the brackets and the wires. Clear aligners are removable, so you can eat what you’d like and clean your teeth and trays as you please

Are you or a family member in search of a straighter smile but wish to avoid braces? If so, contact Petersen Family Dentistry today! We are a Broomfield family dentist approved to offer the ClearCorrect aligner system . You will be happy to know that ClearCorrect is covered by many dental plans and can also be paid for with an FSA or HSA. Give us a call at (720) 308–9798 or contact us online .

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